- Region
- Real World
The home of ENCOM's business operations in the real world.

End of Line Club
- Region
- TRON City
A social hotspot where programs can find anything they want: a nonstop dance party, company and relaxation, or just about anything — if the price is right. The program Castor runs the club.

Flynn's Arcade
- Region
- Real World
Kevin Flynn's beloved video arcade, mostly stocked with games he created. It was his business and his home for some time. After Flynn's disappearance, his arcade was abandoned and boarded up. But there may be something lurking in that dusty maze of forgotten game cabinets...

Flynn's Safehouse
- Region
- Outlands
Disconnected from the rest of the Grid, Kevin Flynn's isolated retreat is safe from prying programs but is very isolated and too far to influence events on the Grid and protect it.

Game Grid
- Region
- TRON City
The central location of the gladiator-style disc and light cycle games where programs are pitted against each other. In each game, there can be only one victor ... The rest end up in bits — literally.

The Grid
- Region
- TRON System
Originally, the Grid was a game simulation environment inside the ENCOM mainframe that evolved into a virtual universe. Later, after Kevin Flynn defeated the Master Control Program and returned to the real world, he reprogrammed and isolated some of ENCOM's servers to create the new TRON system using what he learned and experienced. The new technically superior and digitally boundless TRON system — also known as The Grid — grew into a home for a vast number of programs where only Flynn, who mastered the digitization process by laser, could visit ...

- Region
- TRON System
The area of the TRON system beyond the boundaries of the city -- a haven for programs on the run, and a wild digital frontier -- it takes more than just a program's will to survive out there.

- Region
- TRON System
Once the heart of the Grid, Tron city was a beacon of digital freedom where all types of programs functioned and intermingled. Now it is a dark, oppressed place of strict, regulated functions. Any program not in line — in any way — is targeted for the Game Grid, or simply deletion. Order must be maintained.